We are citizens of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey and, thanks in part to the New York City DEP, we’re drowning on the Delaware River.

Not long ago we suffered three “hundred-year” floods in two years. The lives of our families and friends were taken. Our homes were flooded, our businesses damaged and destroyed and our communities were inundated.

Why did this happen? Floods are acts of God. But, in our case, SEVERE floods are worsened by mismanagement of New York City’s reservoirs. The City’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) refused to maintain “safety voids” in its reservoirs even in the face of on-coming hurricanes!

Full reservoir + heavy rains = Flooding Disaster!

WHY is the NYC DEP still doing this? Arrogance, misplaced priorities and disrespect for folks who live downriver from NYC reservoirs! To the DEP, the citizens and taxpayers who live in fear along the river are unimportant – even the protection of the ecology of the Delaware River itself is beneath consideration.

Maintaining safety voids in the reservoirs will not threaten New York City’s water supply even in drought conditions and the real science proves it! See the NJ Safe Yields Analysis on this page.

We need your support. If you live below the Cannonsville, Pepacton or Neversink reservoirs, if you value your communities and bridges, or if you just enjoy the scenery and recreation on this river system, please give us your help – NOW!



1. Brief Overview
2. Key Points
3. Detailed Overview

The Capital Green Scene Radio Broadcast
DOD's Chuck Schroeder and Jeff Zimmerman, the attorney for 8 organizations fighting the NYCDEP, expose the threat of another flooding disaster and discuss the New Jersey DEP's recent stand against New York City's DEP: "You are holding too much water in your reservoirs!".

Middletown Times Herald-Record: "Water levels rising fast in 3 Catskill reservoirs, alarming some residents downstream." November 18, 2008: Alexa James reporting. The NYCDEP puts a "plan" in place to manage the reservoirs while the Rondout-West Branch Tunnel is closed for repairs. The "plan" allows the reservoirs to jump 10% in 2 weeks!
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The New York Times "A Fight Over Taming the Delaware " April 20, 2008: Anthony DePalma reporting. An excellent article that tells our story VERY well. Why do so many people on the Delaware River hate the NYCDEP? Because they don't give a damn about us.
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A Forum on Delaware River Flooding
A Radio Forum was broadcast from the studios of WJFF in Jeffersonville, NY and moderated by Anthony DePalma, Environmental Reporter for The New York Times.
ABC 6 Philadelphia, September 26, 2007: The DRBC Meeting in West Trenton - "Frustration Over Flooding" Details on the failure of DEP/DRBC to properly address Safety Voids that could reduce flooding. Nora Muchanic reports.
See the Story
April 2, 2008   Full Reservoirs Make Flooding Worse
Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania has recognized the dangers of full/overflowing reservoirs and sent a letter to ask New York’s DEP to lower them. This is a landmark event. Rendell has taken an important step – but only part way toward the solution.
The new Flexible Flow Management Program: A report on its shortcomings from The Associated Press – Michael Rubinkam reporting.
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June 28, 2007
Anniversary of the Flood of 2006.

We held a meeting in New Hope, PA at New Hope-Solebury High School. Several leaders of key organizations that are very important to our cause attended and we got some great press coverage.

The New York Times, March 16, 2006. Anthony DePalma reporting:
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Current reservoir levels:

Current Weather over the reservoirs

• The Delaware Riverside Conservancy is committed to protecting the lives, property and businesses of all who live along The Delaware River. Valuable information here!

River Gages: See where the rivers are rising. And how much. Gages are on the main stem of The Delaware and the streams that feed it. Projections on levels may not be accurate.

The New York Times, November 19, 2006. Peter Applebome reporting:
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